Smart Families
Empower, Encourage and Support

About The Program
Smart Families is a non-profit organization that works directly with families, school district leaders, school administration and teachers to implement a pledge and educational program for families to delay giving their child a smartphone until high school.
Our organization will provide all of the educational, promotional and organizational tools needed for staff and families to successfully change the culture in their communities. These tools include presentations, marketing materials, e-content like newsletters and online talks, educational training, support for school and volunteer leaders, and additional program enhancements such as consultation on school policies.
Smart Families was started by parents who saw the need to bring a campaign to their school and have now built a team of researchers, teachers, spiritual leaders and non-profit professionals who are dedicated to supporting and empowering others.
Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade
The core of our program for PreK-8th grade schools is our Smart Pledge to delay smartphones for children, with programming components as outlined below that help educate parents, students, and teachers on our community norms and the science behind them.
Year 1
Neuroscience and Program Introduction
Our first year at your school typically focuses on an introduction to Smart Families and the neuroscience that supports our four community norms. Events include a teacher training, a keynote speaker for parents, 1-2 developmentally appropriate student presentations, and one event for families.
Year 2
Executive Functioning and the Impact of Technology
Programming during the second year will typically focus on how technology use can impact our executive functioning skills. Events include workshops for students, parents, families, and teachers.
Year 3
Digital Literacy and Program Longevity
In our final year at your school we typically focus on digital literacy and what students, parents, and teachers need to know for the future.
*Sample topics. Some content may vary depending on individual school needs.
High School
The core of our high school program is our High School Habits to encourage students to use technology more intentionally, with programming components focused on educating and learning from students about the choices they make with technology. Presentations are available for families, parents, students, and teachers, as well as writing contests and other incentives to help students make healthy choices.
Year 1
Neuroscience and Program Introduction
Our first year in a high school typically focuses on introducing our Smart Families organization and engaging students in conversations about technology, its impact on the brain, and the choices they make.
Year 2
Executive Functioning and the Impact of Technology
In the second year we focus on how to overcome the distractions of our smartphones and develop strong executive functioning skills so that students can best meet their future goals.
Year 3
Digital Literacy and Program Longevity
Programming in our final year will include discussions on topics like artificial intelligence, misinformation, and digital integrity.
*Sample topics. Some content may vary depending on individual school needs.
Best Practices for School Participation
The success of our program relies heavily on committed and involved leadership from schools.
Establish Key Contacts - Appoint a school liaison (principal or staff member) to champion the Smart Families Program.
Appoint Family Leads - Identify at least one passionate family to lead the Smart Families mission and engage fellow parents.
Make Connections - Welcome Smart Families staff to participate in school events and connect with your community.
Spread the Word - Share program updates, events, and newsletters via school communications and dedicated emails.
Lead by Example - Principals and school leaders actively attend and support Smart Families events.
Embrace the Mission - When embraced with enthusiasm and commitment, Smart Families will transform your school community.